Learn online with the support of an experienced tutor.
More than 1,000 IT professionals have taken our industry-leading online MIM training courses – and more than 95% of students said they would recommend them.
Our online courses are packed with easy-to-follow, hands-on labs, and the real lab environments we provide enable you to practice what you learn.
Lectures and demos can be paused and replayed as often as you like. Quizzes are available to test your knowledge. And your expert personal tutor will be happy to help if you have any questions.
We offer two, highly-rated online, self-paced courses. Find out more and purchase now:
By far one of the greatest training courses I have ever experienced. With a topic as deep and as wide as MIM, this course covers everything you need to know. The experience of learning online, self-paced was fantastic. Awesome. Simply awesome. I could not recommend this course more. Read more of what this student has to say.

Benefits of online training
- Access to online lectures, demos, and quizzes. Pause, rewind, fast forward… you can go over the course material as often as you like!
- Access to a virtual machine environment – you get your VM for 28 days to complete your online course. That’s plenty if you study for a few hours a day, or at the weekends.
- Perpetual access to a soft copy of the course manual
- Support from an expert personal tutor – we respond fast!
- Course certificate
The online course was excellent and allowed me to stop when needed to review topics more in-depth and do the labs at my own pace.
How it works
After you have booked and paid for your online training course, we give you a login to access our online training resources. You tell us when you’d like to start your VMs, as these are time-limited. You get 28 days and can start your VMs any time within a year of booking. Our course support team will guide you through the setup process.
What it’s like to study online
Course modules are split into lessons as MP4 presentations, and often include a lab demo for you to watch before you try it yourself. Choose which lesson to do, or which demo you want to view. Pause, rewind, and fast forward as often as you like!
Brilliant from beginning to end. The videos were highly informative, I genuinely enjoyed learning from the tutor in these videos. The delivery, information and explanations provided throughout were excellent.
The high standard of tuition in the videos made the experience very enjoyable. Normally I would prefer to be taught in a classroom but on this occasion self-paced really worked. I was able to take more time and revisit areas I didn’t fully grasp first time around. The labs and VMs were also excellent, it was great being able to do the labs at my own pace.

Contact us today! Call or email Mark Forbes, our Training Sales Manager.
In Europe, Middle East, or Asia Pacific call +44 (0)1865 521200, and in the Americas call +1 425-577-6542.
READ What students say about online learning
Studying online in my own time gave me a chance to replay and review any parts of the course I didn’t quite understand first time, which was useful. I had more time to process the content in comparison to a classroom-based course, in which you’re limited.