The Azure AD Connect Masterclass goes into great detail about Azure AD Connect, and this information is not found anywhere in the Microsoft documentation that I have seen so far. Through the access that OCG has with Microsoft, the Masterclass goes to the bones of AAD Connect and gives you great insight into what’s going on underneath.

I have used this product for a while, but there are some things I do where I don’t really have a good understanding of what’s going on. But this class makes it clear.

The instructor, Hugh, is very good – he has great insight, and hands-on experience. The way he explains it you know he’s been in identity management for a long time. He has a great understanding of the product.

This course will help me in a lot of ways – the most important being what I should and should NOT do, disaster recovery and so on. The class goes in to great detail about what to avoid doing so that I don’t get trapped later on… an insight into the future.

[See what else Hailemichael has to say in this short movie.]

Hailemichael A, Programmer/Analyst, US Attended Azure AD Connect Masterclass, 2018